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Squid and cauliflower


55 minutes






475g squid rings
200g cauliflower
sunflower oil, for frying
fine semolina flour, to coat the squid
350g canned whole peeled tomatoes, crushed with a fork
1 clove of garlic
extra virgin olive oil, as needed
a few leaves of basil
a handful of pine nuts
salt, to taste


Heat extra virgin olive oil and garlic in a skillet. Add the tomatoes, a few leaves of basil, and pine nuts, and season with salt.

Cook over a gentle heat for a few minutes. Then add the cleaned cauliflower broken into florets. Cook for about 20 minutes until the sauce has reduced. Taste and adjust the salt.

In the meantime, coat the squid rings in the flour and shake to get rid of the excess flour.

Heat the sunflower oil in a deep skillet and fry the squid until golden and crispy. Dry on kitchen paper and salt lightly.

To serve, carefully mix the cauliflower florets on each plate with the tomato sauce and the crispy squid. Garnish with a splash of the remaining tomato sauce, a few basil leaves, and pine nuts.

Squid and cauliflower

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